Friday, November 28, 2008

Lurking Is Dead. Long Live Lurking!

Interesting to see a couple thought leaders chiming in on this almost in concert, but both Mitch Joel and Seth are imploring us to blog, which is what I think both you and I need to hear.

Seth Godin and Mitch Joel Command You - Blog! Blog because it's free. Because it's a chance to claim your particular space and have your say. Blog because the last thing you want is for your mom to get into it before you.

I don't know if this has to do with a lack of new voices, or microblogging stealing the thunder as of late. But we can all recognize the value in exercising our writing skills, that's for user. Clutter may be the disease of American writing, but on the web our contributions find unique ways to compliment and influence one another, which is truly unique. It's almost our duty to bolster the ongoing conversation these days rather than let the conversation happen around us. This is a responsibility that I have woefully neglected to honor for far too long. Lurkers are lame, and my early 2009 New Years resolution is to stop being one.

What about you? Do you have a little too much lurking in your diet?